Apr 21, 2008


"What is your favorite color?
If you had to choose among 36 colors, which one would you pick?"
This was what Brooke was wondering about few days ago…when she had a fabulous idea: “why pick just one? why not more and all together?”
So everything started combining colors

…paper was cut…

…transformed into tridimensional elements…

…few of the tiniest seed beads were included and sterling silver wire was hammered…

BROOKE earrings are now part of my paper jewelry collection.

Grazie Brooke

Qual’e’ il vostro colore preferito?
Se aveste 36 colori fra cui scegliere per quale optereste?
Questo era cio’ che si chiedeva Brooke qualche giorno fa…quando le e’ venuta una fantastica idea: “Perche’ limitarsi ad uno, perche’ non di piu’”
Cosi’ tutto e’ cominciato con la scelta dei colori…
… la carta e’ stata tagliata…
…trasformata in elementi tridimensionali…
…alcune perline aggiunte, l’argento e’ stato battuto..
..ora gli orecchini BROOKE fanno parte della mia collezione di gioielli!

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